Five senses. Twenty-six letters. One perspective.

This is simply a place for me to explore, develop, and share my thoughts, ideas, and perspectives. I do a lot of writing for my day job, but this site allows me to keep my creativity healthy, while not worrying about the perfection I strive for in my professional life. Total freedom to write whatever my little heart desires is fun, and I hope you enjoy it.

Eóin Eóin

I think we need new news.

I think we need to review the purpose of the news. I think we need to consider what we want the news to do for us. Inform the general population, yes, but inform us about what? What is noteworthy? Presenting all of the worst tragedies that happen throughout the days and months, while sprinkling-in a few feel-good stories, does little to improve society or the world overall.

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Eóin Eóin

A single website can be a powerful tool.

I recently came across an interesting website I thought worth sharing. Rather than just sharing a link and description, I’d like to explore the reasons why I think it’s such a valuable, and important, concept.

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