Five senses. Twenty-six letters. One perspective.
This is simply a place for me to explore, develop, and share my thoughts, ideas, and perspectives. I do a lot of writing for my day job, but this site allows me to keep my creativity healthy, while not worrying about the perfection I strive for in my professional life. Total freedom to write whatever my little heart desires is fun, and I hope you enjoy it.
I just witnessed courage.
There’s a market in London, Ontario which bustles with life each Saturday and Sunday. I love this place, and today I witnessed a small but courageous act...
Killing time.
This is a dramatic topic, honestly; there really isn’t any other way of discussing it. So either stop reading now, or get on board. This won’t be a long post, but it’s going to be a ride, I’m not going to lie…
A bad habit crept in…
When I took a step back and was honest with myself, I found I’d actually been reading online articles far less often than I thought I was. What I found myself doing was reading the headline, skimming the main points, and rushing to the comment section - when I thought about why, I didn’t like the answer…
Another shift in how I use the Internet.
A while back, I used the internet just like most people I knew - mindlessly scrolling Facebook, watching YouTube, scrolling Reddit's endless front page, etc. At some point, however, I made a conscious decision to change that and to use these platforms as tools, as opposed to entertainment.
Idea: Social Running Platform
There are already countless running apps with all kinds of features, but I’ve never heard of one that has this particular feature/approach, so here we are.
There’s a different way to use the Internet - and I like it.
POSSE stands for Publish (on your own) Site, Syndicate Elsewhere. In a nutshell, instead of posting content to various platforms directly, you would post it to your own site, then post links to that content.
Idea: Social Running Platform
A platform for tracking one’s running progress, but it incorporates a real-time motivational feedback based on the mutual tracking of progress and activities of other humans.
A crazy idea for Apple.
Apple is currently known for exceptional quality hardware, but they used to be known for their rock-solid software too. Here, I present an idea for how they can regain that reputation.
Does altruism exist? Does it matter?
Does altruism exist? Does it matter? In this debate between myself and myself, I end up discussing the merits of the online trend of posting good deeds — especially those involving strangers.
Business + integrity
Some people run their business with earning a profit being their primary motivation — for others, that’s still important, but secondary to their values, work-ethic, and pride in what they build. I wrote a few words about the latter.
Regret can be a useful tool.
Over the years, I’ve learned to use regret as fuel for the future, as opposed to an anchor to the past.
I want to use this post to ignite that fuel in you.
Why I recommend the Google Nest Mini.
This won’t be a particularly thorough overview of the Google Nest Mini; you can find countless reviews on tech sites which, given they’re written by tech specialists, are far more exhaustive than this post. No, this is much more along the lines of what I would tell a friend or loved-one, if they asked what I thought of the little speakers.
I think we need new news.
I think we need to review the purpose of the news. I think we need to consider what we want the news to do for us. Inform the general population, yes, but inform us about what? What is noteworthy? Presenting all of the worst tragedies that happen throughout the days and months, while sprinkling-in a few feel-good stories, does little to improve society or the world overall.
A shift in focus.
Few events in life can shift one’s perspectives and priorities like becoming a parent can. Some say this shift can come the moment you find out you’re going to be a parent, others say it takes a while; for me, it’s been the latter.
Baron Fig, Confidant — simply awesome.
These are very well made, thoughtfully designed, and optimally functional hardcover notebooks. They aren’t cheap, but if you’re the type of person who appreciates the little details when evaluating quality, then I think you might appreciate these notebooks.
A single website can be a powerful tool.
I recently came across an interesting website I thought worth sharing. Rather than just sharing a link and description, I’d like to explore the reasons why I think it’s such a valuable, and important, concept.
Music is a dish best shared.
Music can be exponentially greater and more impactful when shared with others. There are many things in this life which unite people, and remind us of how much we share with each other — music is, in my opinion, one of the strongest.
Libraries, you’ve changed — and I love it!
Libraries aren’t what they used to be. Those who work to evolve how libraries serve their communities should be commended. And if you haven’t been to one recently, you may be interested in what they’ve become.
Ember Mug — a heated coffee mug that changed my life.
I drink my coffee slowly; I’ve always done so. For years, when people would ask, incredulously, if I was still drinking my coffee, I would reply that I enjoy cold coffee. It’s only now, many years later, that I understand I was a filthy liar.
New Experiences, and an Early Rise.
I've learned Brazil is full of parrots – pretty cool, eh? Well, I've also learned that the entire parrot population of Brazil congregates in the tree just outside my bedroom window each morning at about 5am…
My posting schedule can be erratic.
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