Five senses. Twenty-six letters. One perspective.

This is simply a place for me to explore, develop, and share my thoughts, ideas, and perspectives. I do a lot of writing for my day job, but this site allows me to keep my creativity healthy, while not worrying about the perfection I strive for in my professional life. Total freedom to write whatever my little heart desires is fun, and I hope you enjoy it.

Eóin Eóin

New Experiences, and an Early Rise.

I've learned Brazil is full of parrots – pretty cool, eh? Well, I've also learned that the entire parrot population of Brazil congregates in the tree just outside my bedroom window each morning at about 5am…

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Eóin Eóin

I Ate Some Food.

I ended my last post with a tease about one of the best meals I've ever eaten. Since I wrote that line, I've been thinking about how best to describe that meal…

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